Monday, November 19, 2012

When You Eat, They Eat Christmas Picnic for the Needy 2012

As part of our quest to put smiles on every child’s face during Christmas, SFLIG initiated a feeding program that seeks to bring together the destitute in society from the Orphanage homes in Kumasi and its environs as well as children from the street for picnic dubbed, “When You Eat They Eat” Christmas Picnic for the needy. Have you thought of what the orphan and the needy child on the street will do on Boxing day, when we are wrapping and unwrapping presents, as well as making merry with all kinds of nutritious food and delicacies? Think of them and support SFLIG with your kind donation to feed 1000 destitute kids from all the orphanage homes in Kumasi and its environs. Privileged children and families are encouraged to show love by bringing their home cooked Christmas delicacies to share with the destitute whose lives depend on it. 

This event just doesn't provide food to those needy children but also raise the awareness about hunger and their plight when it comes to eating well prepared and nutritious food. It also gives these children the opportunity to make merry just like any other child during Christmas by making available many outdoor games like bounce castle, trampoline, the limbo, etc.

We are looking up to you my great family, let us come together and put a smile on a child face this Christmas and also give the opportunity to a child who couldn't get a well balanced nutritious meal through out the year to get one on Boxing Day when everyone is making merry. You can support us with food, drinks, biscuits, toffees, water, chairs, canopies, tables, music, outdoor games transportation, printing flyers and banners, etc.